Teaching Council Registration

Teaching Council’s registration process for teachers qualified in Ukraine:

Teachers who qualified in Ukraine and have been granted EU Temporary Protection can apply to register and work as a teacher in Ireland with the process for Ukrainian teachers.

Teachers who meet the requirements will be registered with a condition called Qualification Assessment. The vetting and police clearance processes have been adjusted to take into account the unique situation occurring in Ukraine.


To register,  a teacher who qualified in Ukraine must be able to submit:

1.      A copy of the Temporary Protection status from the Department of Justice in Ireland


2.      Evidence of qualifying as a teacher in Ukraine such as any of the following:

evidence of a qualification as a teacher from the Ukrainian University in which you qualified, or evidence of registration or a licence to teach in Ukraine.

For further information about eligibility requirements and how to apply, please see Guidance Notes for Ukrainian teachers applying for registration / Методичні рекомендації для українських вчителів, які подають заявки на реєстрацію.


Please email ukrainianteachers@teachingcouncil.ie to request the application form.

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